The syntax of the XML document is designed to be relatively easy to read and modify with a simple text editor. XML文档的语法相对比较简单,使用一个简单的文本编辑器就可以阅读和修改。
Like other annotations such as bookmarks, breakpoints, and syntax problems, these are indicated by a symbol in the left margin of the editor. 与其他注释(如书签、断点和语法问题)类似,这些注释也是通过编辑器左侧空白上的符号来指示的。
If the replaced SQL is incompatible or has validation errors ( syntax or semantic), then the editor shows the errors and you are not able to save the file until you fix the errors. 如果替换的SQL不一致,或者有验证错误(语法或语义),那么编辑器显示这些错误,而且只有在修复了这些错误之后才能保存该文件。
A typical example would be colors used for syntax highlighting with an editor. 一个典型示例是用颜色来突出显示编辑器中的语法。
Ideally these could be pre-filled using the correct syntax in the pattern editor. 理想情况下,可以在模式编辑器中使用正确的语法预先填写这些值。
Its syntax is unrivaled in its simplicity and, for text editing one-liners, it gives you quick ways to append or insert text without an editor. 其语法的简单性无与伦比,而且对于文本编辑单命令行程序,它还为您提供了无需编辑器即可追加或插入文本的快捷方法。
Double-click syntax in content assist or the reference pane to copy it into the editor. 双击内容帮助或reference面板中的语法,将语法复制到编辑器中。
Cannot save% 1 because it contains a syntax error. Launch the rule editor, correct the problem, and try again. 无法保存%1,原因是它包含语法错误。启用规则编辑器,改正此问题,然后再试一次。
Object-oriented designing in the general syntax directed structural editor 语法制导的通用结构化编辑器的面向对象设计通用数据库管理系统
A Syntax-Directed Editor Generator 语法制导编辑器的生成器
In RM, regular-based formalization description method is used to describe the syntax of visual modeling language and the features of editor, while the MOF ( meta object facility) is used to describe the static semantics. RM采用基于规则的形式化描述方法来描述可视化建模语言的语法和编辑器的特性,采用MOF(MetaObjectFacility)来描述可视化语言的静态语义。